"The ReWrite" is now a Podcast!

Overview of Podcast and clickable list of episodes

The ReWrite

Anybody who tells you that they have no regrets is a liar or a fool.

We’ve all got those moments or those decisions in our past that we’d just love to go back and do over.  Too bad it’s impossible.  There is no such thing as a time machine.  Can’t be done.

That said, going back and changing what I most regret about my life is precisely what I’m doing in the novel “The ReWrite.”

Don’t get me wrong.  This isn’t a science fiction piece, or a religious miracle.  It’s just my imagination.  Yeah. Running away with me. And nothing, I assure you, has more power in this universe than the imagination.

You see, when I was 17 years old, I was the best singer the little town of Port Lavaca, Texas had ever encountered.  The mellifluous baritone voice that flowed from my mouth, like warm honey butter, was, yes, coming this skinny little kid with the second worst case of acne in school.

Startling.  Scary, even.

My Mother used to dream of the day that I’d have my own church choir and sing to Billy Graham revivals that filled stadiums.  It would make my Dad, the preacher, so, so, so, whoa… whoa WHOA!!

Stop right there.

You see, I hated church music.  The whole religion thing, as presented to me and my childish, rebellious mind, was an anathema. I couldn’t wait to get shy of the forced subordination to this patently absurd set up, full of smiling lies and deceit.

So, to avoid what I feared would be lifelong bondage to church music, I turned DOWN the full ride scholarship to Baylor University. (Baptists!  Ugh.)

I literally ran from music of all kinds as hard as I could.

This  is where my story diverges into what you might call a parallel universe, where I actually took the scholarship and went on to become the massive super star that invented the term “crossover” by simultaneously topping country, pop, rock and R&B charts, won 96 Grammy’s and became a household word even more recognizable than Elvis Presley, John, Paul, George and Ringo.

Now, for your listening pleasure, I’m creating a podcast from the pages of “The ReWrite.” I finished it off just before the great pandemic of 2018, but, like many of you out there, found myself frozen in time, with no motivation to create anything.  Bummer.  But, that’s over now, and this podcast is on the way.    It’s  on most popular podcasting sites, such as spotify, Apple Podcasts, etc.  I’ll be updating the episodes here, and it is available on most popular podcasting sites, such as Spotify , PodBean and Apple Podcasts.