Our podcasts won’t be full of preaching or moral outrage. We don’t intend to go for shock value either, and we aren’t trying to scoop anybody on the latest outrageous thing in the public sphere. We’re just going to have some fun. There will be fiction, such as “The ReWrite.” There will be short oddities, such as “The Great Cat Rapture.” And there will be interviews with interesting people who may or may not be famous. We believe you’ll find them as fascinating as we do. Everybody has a message and a reason for being on this Earth. If you’re willing to listen to them, you might learn something, and be entertained!

When I was 17 years old, I was the best singer the little town of Port Lavaca, Texas had ever encountered. The mellifluous baritone voice that flowed from my mouth, like warm honey butter, was, unbelievably, coming from this skinny little kid with the second worst case of acne in school. Startling. Scary, even. My Mother used to dream of the day that I’d have my own church choir and sing to Billy Graham revivals that filled stadiums. It would make my Dad, the preacher, so, so, so, whoa… whoa. Stop right there! I want a re-write!

On my way home the other night, every cat in the neighborhood was gone! Disappeared. All at the same time. Immediately, I leaped to the only one plausible explanation: I was witness to the Cat Rapture!
It’s a mystery. I don’t have all the answers. But I have lots of questions. . .

This podcast channel features conversations with regular, awesome people I meet. Some of them, I’ve known for many years. Others, I may have met the day before yesterday. Some are rich and famous, others are barely scraping by. These are the people who make the world go ’round. Just like you!